Amazon PPC Optimization during Corona 2020 - The Right Amazon Advertising Strategy

How To Optimize Amazon Advertising Campaigns When Conversion Rates Fall

Amazon PPC Failure Series

What to Do in Bad Times and The 2 BIG "Emergency" Mistakes in Amazon PPC Optimization

Covid19 has brought with it a very unexpected and in many cases negative "seasonality" for various product categories. Many sellers will naturally want to cut the spending for Amazon Sponsored Products in this situation. However, many of these sellers go about it in the wrong way and potentially hurt their Amazon Advertising Strategies and thus overall business goals on the long run. 

In this video I explain what exactly you should be doing for Amazon Sponsored Ads campaigns that are not performing well, and especially, what you should definitely NOT be doing! 
You do not want to fall into this Amazon PPC pitfall...and if you already have, you will want to correct it as soon as possible.

How does Amazon Advertising work?

Are you generally asking yourself "How does Amazon Advertising work" as a whole and want to avoid making other costly mistakes as you start out with your Sponsored ads? Then browsing through some random blogs and youtube videos might not be the most effective way to learn everything that matters.

Instead, you will want get yourself a step-by-step Amazon Advertising course that will teach you all the ins and outs of Amazon PPC (Pay per Click) and that will save you hours of browsing the web for the right information.

Coincidentally, it just so happens that I made that exact course for you :)

Check out my "Amazon Advertising Basics" course on Udemy. With all the know-how and best practices acquired in this easy to follow training, you will take your Amazon marketing strategy & business to the next level!


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