Amazon Advertising News Flash: New Home for Campaign Manager, Sponsored Brands Update, New Sellics PPC Product
Campaign Manager Moving Day, Long Awaited Sponsored Brands Functionality & New Sellics Offer
Amazon PPC Update, May 08, 2020
Why This Move will be good for Everyone, how Sponsored Brands has just become a lot more attractive, and what to make of the new Sellics Product / Pricing
Quite a lot has happened in the past few days within the Amazon Advertising world - learn about all three updates in this video!
In short:
Amazon's Seller Central Campaign Manager has moved to, ie. the Amazon Advertising Console that was already the Amazon PPC home for vendors and authors.
Sponsored Brand ads are now finally editable! Yup, if you haven't tried out Sponsored Brands before, that seems difficult to imagine, but this crucial functionality is now available.
Sellics, one of the if not THE best amazon advertising automation software just released a new offer next to their "All-in-One" Solution called Sellics Advertising - in the video I talk about about the release, its pricing and who it makes sense for from an ex-employee perspective ;)
How does Amazon Advertising work?
Are you generally asking yourself "How does Amazon Advertising work" as a whole and want to avoid making other costly mistakes as you start out with your Sponsored ads? Then browsing through some random blogs and youtube videos might not be the most effective way to learn everything that matters.Instead, you will want get yourself a step-by-step Amazon Advertising course that will teach you all the ins and outs of Amazon PPC (Pay per Click) and that will save you hours of browsing the web for the right information.
Coincidentally, it just so happens that I made that exact course for you :)
Check out my "Amazon Advertising Basics" course on Udemy. With all the know-how and best practices acquired in this easy to follow training, you will take your Amazon marketing strategy & business to the next level!
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